Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Cameron's Spending Exposed In Photographers Appointment Row

The Prime Minister has appointed both a photographer and film-maker, with both their salaries coming out of the civil service payroll.

Labour Leader, Ed Miliband used Prime Minister's Questions to take a swipe at Mr Cameron's decision:

"The Prime Minister.. I cannot believe that he is talking about hard choices this week, because whom has he chosen to put on the civil service payroll this week? His own personal photographer. There is good news for the Prime Minister—apparently he does a nice line in airbrushing. You can picture the scene, Mr Speaker, of the Cabinet photo: “We’re all in this together; just a little bit more to the right, Nick.” Let me ask the Prime Minister in all seriousness, is it really a wise judgment when he is telling everybody to tighten their belts to put his own personal photographer on the civil service payroll?"

This was another excellent performance at PMQs by Mr Miliband; exposing the sheer hypocracy of a Prime Minister who has recently overseen unprecendented cuts to public spending. He has repeatedly told the country to the point of ad nauseam that Labour has left the UK's finances in such a mess that future generations will be paying for their mistakes for years to come.

And yet he is allowing taxpayers to foot the bill for his own photographer's services. 

Well, as the saying goes, 'Do as I say, not as I do....'

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