Monday, 8 March 2010

Straw considering releasing details on Venables

Given the notoriety of this case, I am not surprised at the increasing public demands to know what Jon Venables did to warrant being recalled to prison. The pressure group, Mothers Against Murderers, has now joined the calls for Venables' offence to be revealed, saying that he was given a second chance to make something of his life and has now 'blown it'. Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, is now considering whether he should reveal why Venables is now back in custody.

In my mind, the fact that he has been recalled having obviously done something extremely serious, should put people's minds at rest; the public are no longer at risk. Venables will appear before a Parole hearing within 28 days who will decide what to do with him. Perhaps we should wait for the outcome of this and whether he is going to be charged with anything, before any details are made public.

My concern is, once again, the popular media being allowed to dictate the political agenda and the course of justice. Handing out punishment should be left to the courts.

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