Friday, 23 April 2010

Brown Gives Most-Improved Performance In Second TV Debate As Cameron Fails To Land Knockout Punch

Gordon Brown gave a strong performance in the second Prime Ministerial debate.

He was clearly most-improved of the three leaders after last week's first round.

This was typical Gordon, effective where it mattered; on policy and substance.

The Prime Minister's opening statement set the scene for the night, focussing on the vital issues of the economy and jobs.

And he showed too, that he is leading the way on global issues like climate change.

Nick Clegg was no where near as on top of his game as he was in the first debate.

The electorate were even more keenly watching David Cameron, to see if he could up his game after last week's dismal display.  But he failed to deliver.

He simply did not land that fatal blow against the opposition that was badly needed to revitalise his campaign.

We have now had two debates and on each occasion, the Tory leader has failed to capitalise on his lead in the polls.

If he is going to win the election, then he should have turned things more decisively in his favour by now.

It shows that for all his presentation skills, Cameron has no answers to the questions that really matter to the British people.

Gordon Brown, on the other hand, has concentrated on the policy issues that are really important.

That is why he will win the day on May 6.

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