Thursday, 1 April 2010

Court Injunction against RMT a victory for common-sense

The High Court's decision to block the planned industrial action by the RMT over the Easter weekend was definitely the right one.

Bob Crowe and his colleagues are not interested in negotiating a settlement with Network Rail. They claim that they are concerned about the safety of railway workers and passengers, but in reality, all they are interested in is their own political agenda.

They have timed all this just when there is about to be a General Election campaign in the UK, and are fully aware any dispute will undermine Labour's chances of being re-elected.

Surely they realise that they are just giving ammunition to the Conservatives and more substance to David Cameron's argument that Britain is now a 'broken society' and 'in a mess'.

The unions will be the first to complain if they are forced to deal with a Conservative government in a few weeks time. It is in their best interests to keep talking with their employers until an agreement is reached.

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